的林地 物业管理 服务 Offered



Why waste time searching for the right marketing channels, setting up an account and making postings yourself when you can have AREA 德州房地产 & 管理层替你做? Find renters faster by upgrading your marketing and advertising strategy and execution.

AREA 德州房地产 & 管理层通过多重上市服务(MLS)促进您的上市. We make it easy to apply for listings and promote them on:

  • 哈尔
  • Trulia网站
  • 房地产经纪人
  • Hotpads
  • 不断的联系
  • 谷歌
  • 雅虎
  • 必应
  • Ask Jeeves
  • MSN
  • LinkedIn
  • 脸谱网
  • 谷歌+
  • 推特
  • Pinterest
  • 博主
  • Instagram
  • Youtube

潜在租户可以通过我们的网站填写在线申请. 我们的 team of property managers can easily start the screening 过程 and fill the property quickly. 我们的 website is powered so that we can seamlessly accept 申请费、保证金和租金在线支付.

The modern renter expects the ability to view property details online and to quickly apply for rent and we offer it!



Want to protect your investment? 一定要检查. Property inspections protect property 从不可预见的后果和标准的财产所有权问题.

Each time we receive a maintenance request, 我们借此机会参观整栋房子 ensure that nothing has been damaged and that the terms of the lease are being followed. 德州地产 & 管理 inspection services are included in your rental property management contract and ensure lease terms are being fulfilled and there are no property damages.

Call us 今天 to schedule a free property management proposal and learn more about our property inspection services at (713) 972-1222.



一处一直有好房客的房产可能是一座金矿. 我们的彻底筛选 流程和持续的服务确保租户是可靠的,并保持这种状态.

在AREA 德州房地产 & 管理 we implement a very thorough tenant screaming 过程 to avoid bad tenants. 坏的租户 and renters can destroy your property, 无薪休假, and cause a ton of headaches and expenses.

Listed below are some of the requirements and procedure we take as property managers.

Screen All New Tenant Applications– 所有潜在租户都必须填写一份租赁申请表. The application must completely be filled out. 驾照号码,社保号,出生日期,现在和以前的 address, current and previous employer, and references are included in the application.

我们进行信用检查 Credit checks are run on all tenants. AREA 德州房地产 & 管理层则不然 recommended you use a tenant provided credit report, 因为他们有他们的最大利益,你也有你的.

Interview Previous Landlords and References– As property managers we pay close attention to tenant’s 租赁的历史. 我们至少联系了两个以前的房东和他们的推荐信.

确认收入, AREA 德州房地产 & 管理层要求雇主核实申请表上所列的收入. Depending on the situation we might request check stubs.



清洁 & 克里斯普:准备好入住是你想给人留下的第一印象. 完美的房产吸引 the perfect tenants, making life easier than ever for you. AREA 德州房地产 & 管理 手工制作的生活空间会吸引你最想要的租户.

The 过程 varies and it might include some but not all of the following things:

  • 细致的家政服务.
  • 补漆绘画.
  • 蒸汽清洗地毯.
  • Checking/repairing/replacing fixtures/appliances.
  • 草坪维护
  • 重新锁上所有的锁.
  • 过滤器的变化.
  • Smoke detector check or installed.
  • 公用事业转让给管理公司或新租户.
  • Repair damages from previous tenant.


AREA 德州房地产 & 管理层在准备过程中不会偷工减料. 对经理感到厌烦 可能会偷工减料你可能会招来错误的租客, longer vacancies or reduced rents.




Need help moving in new tenants? 我们的 property managers will prepare the lease, collect 第一个月租金和相当于一个月租金的保证金. 我们的综合 rental property move-in services come with every residential property management package.

AREA 德州房地产 & 管理部门要求押金和第一个月的租金 财产处理.


把细节留给我们. 德州地产 & 管理 takes care of all of the move-in specifics to 确保你的房客安顿下来,你的投资得到保护. 德州地产 & 管理 property managers will lead 租户s on the initial walkthrough of the property to explain any features 以及如何使用它们. From demoing the dishwasher to answering questions about pool upkeep, our property 管理人员会确保房客在新家里过得舒适. The tenant will be equipped with any 钥匙、遥控器或报警代码,以及德州地区房地产公司 & 管理 will design a customized property manual for clear easy access to information that outlines proper maintenance. 物业经理 will take 租户 through all of the necessary paperwork to answer any questions and make expectations 明确,同时从一开始就建立信任关系.


When transitioning between tenants, our property managers provide a smooth move-out. 他们将会见 租户s for a final walkthrough, 在那里他们可以记录条件并为“准备就绪”做准备 过程. 我们的 staff will collect the keys and check for accurate contact information and forwarding addresses to proceed with the security deposit return 过程. If any of the deposit must be used for repairs beyond basic wear and tear, 德州地产 & 管理层将负责所有的扣除文件. 我们的 专业和赌lol比赛将确保没有什么被忽视, affording you complete peace of mind.




Area 德州 keeps your property running smoothly with our 24/7 maintenance services. The majority of our repairs are handled by our in-house 维修部门. This keeps cost down and ensures quality. 我们也有一个广泛的供应商网络,提供优惠的价格 致我们的业主.

主人 can rest easy knowing they can 直接与我们的承包商联系,询问项目进度.

Area 德州 maintenance service features include:
  • No add-ons or up charges to vendor invoices
  • Convenient online maintenance requests via our website
  • 紧急维修请求线
  • 可从任何移动设备轻松获取的信息
  • 租客可以上传问题的图片,方便维修.

AREA 德州房地产 & 管理层可以通过我们的网站方便地在线提交维护请求. 我们也提供租客 with an emergency repair request line. The repair requests are tracked with the technology we have implemented so tenants and staff can access information from any mobile device. 这意味着我们可以更快地解决物业维护问题 租户快乐! 今天打电话给我们: (713) 972-1222 今天 to request a free property maintenance proposal.



没有租金,就没有利润. 幸运的是,德州地区已经简化了租金收取流程 供租客及业主使用. 我们为您的租客提供五种简单的方式来支付租金,让业主 to collect rent faster and more efficiently than if rent payment options were limited.

只要我们收到房租, 我们通过创建的安全在线租金支付系统向您发送押金 与我们的合作伙伴大通银行合作. 您和您的租户都受益于这样一个快速和简单的过程.

When collection goes sour, we handle that, too. Standard services include FREE evictions when we place 租户. If rent is not received by the due date 状态 on the renter’s lease agreement, we access your rental property to post a 3 day notice to vacate. The tenant is then given 3 additional days to 在我们的德克萨斯地区团队为您提交驱逐房客的请愿书之前,请遵守. 所有这些服务 当您聘请我们管理您的出租物业时,请务必遵守标准.

Call us 今天 at (713) 972-1222 to learn more about our rent collection services and electronic deposit system for property owners.



德州地产 & 管理层给业主会计,确保安心. 主人 can manage their properties efficiently and effectively with our accounting technology. 我们的软件跟踪一切,我们的会计服务是全面的.

AREA 德州房地产 & 管理层知道筹集和分配资金的重要性. 我们的首要任务是 为业主及居民提供最优质的服务. That’s why we use the most convenient and efficient property management software for accounting, 计费, 给赌lol比赛app开发票这样你就能按时交房租了.

Advanced 物业管理 会计 & Billing 服务 in 赌lol比赛app, 德州

这里有一些与区域德克萨斯房地产工作的优势 & 管理:
  • 主人 can securely access information about their properties at any time and from anywhere.
  • 敏感数据安全地存放在最先进的数据中心, and backed up regularly and automatically.
  • Monthly owner 状态ments are delivered online. Easy-to-read owner 状态ments can be accessed online using our convenient online 主人 Portal, 节省你的时间和纸张.
  • Owner documents are online and can be accessed 24/7. We conveniently provide tax documents, leases, vendor invoices and copies of work orders.
  • All owner funds will be sent via direct deposit by no later than the 10th of the month. If funds have not been collected by the 6th of the month we will notify owner immediately and start with eviction 过程.

We’ll manage all of your property’s accounting, 计费, and invoicing so you can don’t have to. 今天打电话给我们: (713)972-1222或填写我们的 触点形式 今天.



我们的技术 sets us apart from our competitors. We invest in advanced technology to provide you the best service and manage your properties efficiently and effectively. 我们的 top priority is to 为业主及居民提供最优质的服务.

这里有一些与区域德克萨斯房地产工作的优势 & 管理:

We can securely access information about all properties at any time and from anywhere. 敏感的 data is securely housed in a 状态-of-art data center, and backed up regularly and automatically.

Your monthly owner 状态ments are delivered electronically.
Easy-to-read owner 状态ments can be accessed online using our convenient online 主人 Portal, 节省你的时间和纸张.

Owner documents are online and can be accessed 24/7.
We conveniently provide tax documents, leases, vendor invoices and copies of work orders.

We address property maintenance issues faster.
We can create electronic work orders and communicate with vendors so we quickly solve issues.

Your payments are sent electronically and securely.
We’ve partnered with Chase bank to create a system that streamlines owner payments via online ACH (电子支付). This system allows owners to get their payments faster.

We’ve Streamlined 租金集合
租户 have numerous ways to pay via our website: ACH / ECheck / Credit Card / Fax

我们创建积极的广告广告,我们广泛的赌lol比赛app数据库. 这些广告是由a professional designer and stand out from the crowd. We promote your listing to other realtors through 多重上市服务(MLS),并通过har向公众开放.网站及租金.com.

Online applications are available for potential residents, making it easier to attract more prospects.
所有职位空缺都包括一个潜在居民在线申请的选项. 我们一直都在回避 consuming paperwork associated with traditional applications and can fill vacancies even faster.

Start maximizing your rental investment’s potential!

客人的选择 德州地产 & 管理 BBB Business Review 德州房地产经纪人协会 住房机会平等 IREM National Association of Property Managers 房地产经纪人联盟 房地产经纪人联盟 Top Property Managers in 赌lol比赛app
德州地产 & 管理层致力于确保人们可以访问其网站 有残疾的. All the pages on our website will meet W3C WAI's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, A级一致性. Any issues should be reported to . 无障碍网页政策